B’nai Tikvah’s Board of Trustees is responsible for providing fiscal oversight to the congregation, as well as working with staff and clergy to organize programs, classes and events that enrich the lives of synagogue members. The Board is made up of the President, 6 Vice Presidents, the Recording Secretary, the Treasurer, the Presidents of our auxiliary organizations (Men’s Club and Sisterhood), the two immediate Past Presidents, 14 elected Trustees, and chairs of our various committees:
V.P. of Financial Resource Development Stuart Babendir
V.P. of Ritual Josh Charlson
V.P. of Youth and Education Natalie Weiss
Co-Presidents of the Sisterhood Amy Charlson and Lauren Klayman
President of the Men’s Club Bruce Domash
Recording Secretary Judy Aronson
Treasurer Ben Klayman
Immediate Past Presidents Cindy Lieb and Jay Goltz
Trustees Robert Feder Julie Goldberg Brian Gurin Toby Halpern Ken Hoffman Gary Hokin Carli Jaffe Debra Maxwell Hilda Moss Lisa Rosen Robert Schur Gerald Tenner Lori Thalheimer Rachel Yaffe
Committee Chairs
Adult Education Chair Nancy Goldstein
Bar and Bat Mitzvah Committee Chair Debra Maxwell
Building Beautification Chair Hilda Moss
House Committee Steven Levine
Membership Committee Robert Schur
Safety and Security Committee Chair Dick Sandler
School and Youth Committee Chair Lisa Rosen
Social Action Chair Jaime Faulhaber
Ways and Means Chair Jay Goltz
Our monthly Board meetings are open to members of the congregation.
Participating on a Board Committee is a great way to give back while shaping the programs and activities. If you are passionate about an idea, interested in getting involved, or want to share some feedback, contact one of our Committee Chairs.