The celebration of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a pivotal moment for a young Jew and their family. B’nai Tikvah strives to make this important occasion as joyous, meaningful and educational as possible.
Youngsters are required to complete four years of Religious School and register for a fifth prior to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. We expect regular attendance at school and graduation at the end of the Zayin (7th grade) year.
Intensive preparation for the big day begins at least one year before with the following programs:
Family Bar/Bat Mitzvah Workshops – During 6th grade. This series of three Sunday morning workshops offers a chance for students and their parents to discuss what it means to reach this important Jewish milestone, understand the requirements, and learn how to plan for a meaningful and successful experience.
Individual Study With Professional Ritual Staff – 9-12 months prior to Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Students attend weekly sessions with the Hazzan focusing on mastering their individual Haftarah and Torah portions and refining other Bar/Bat Mitzvah skills.
The planning process begins as your child approaches their 10th birthday. Your family will receive your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah date based on many factors, at a kickoff session with all families with Bar/Bat Mitzvahs in the same year. At that session we will also share details, answer questions, and start guiding you on your way to this wonderful celebration!