B’nai Tikvah offers a variety of youth programming for kids of all ages. Our goal is to ensure youth of all ages are exposed to fun, meaningful and educational activities that keep them connected to their Jewish community and their peers.
- BBYO – After many years of a thriving with USY, our teens have recently been moved to BBYO. We connect with BBYO through their programming and traveling with the Rabbi to International Convention.
- Madrichim – We offer a robust Madrichim program for teens to continue to be involved in our Religious school, grow their resume, and spend time with our community.
- Education – Parents of B’nai Tikvah teens coordinate learning around vital issues pertaining to Jewish teens in today’s day and age.
- Stay tuned for more!
College Kesher
- Packages – Twice a year, for students who register, our college students receive a holiday package and a checkin letter from the Rabbi.
- Visits – Once or twice a year, our Rabbi visits different campuses to support our students.
Family Shabbat
- Informal Education – Once a month we offer a Shabbat themed experience for our school age students outside the classroom. These range from learning about Judaism in other countries around the world and fun Disney centered activities to celebrate Shabbat.
- Other Programs – Annually we open and close our Hebrew school, High Holiday experiences, Friday night Shabbat musicians, and our big Purim Carnival and Hanukkah (where Hanukkah meets Pop Culture).
- PJ Library – We partner with PJ Library on multiple programs a year to encourage Jewish literacy at a young age.
- More Coming Soon!